Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Warrior Covert QR1 Review

Hi Beauties
Here is my review for the Warrior Covert QR1

I'm going to be honest here and say that the QR1 is the best stick I have ever tested to this day. It is such a great stick from the blade to the shaft. This is only my opinion, but I know there's people out there that would agree with me. Lets start with the blade. You can feel the pucks every move and when shooting. The blade does not flex barely at all so it works very good for all shots. I also love the shaft. It has a perfect flex point and the ribbed grip just gives the entire stick an amazing feel while shooting, stickhandling or passing.
Dagger T2- A very slim taper for a quick release
Corner Impact- Reduces wear on the corners for a longer lasting stick
Truel Construction- Makes a more true one piece stick
Etched 7 Carbon Fibres- Stronger and lighter carbon fibre
TwinSpar 45 Degrees-  Stiffer internal structures to control taper flex
CorTex grip- Stick on the flat spots, ribbed on the corners

Overall the stick is best for a player who takes quick release shots, and better for wristers and snappers. Cheaper versions based off the QR1 include the QR Pro, QR3, QR4 and QR5.

Thanks for reading! This blog wouldn't be possible without The Hockey Shop in Surrey, B.C. So big thanks to them.
Check 'em out: thehockeyshop.com

Me with the stick


W03 Henrique

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Bauer Supreme TotalOne MX3 Review

Hi Beauties
Here is my review for the Bauer Supreme TotalOne MX3
Video review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgp2ysHIcBk

The flex on the MX3 is something you will notice right away, being that the kick point is so high. It will take some adjusting, but after a few shots it felt really good. The flex point can help make your shots faster, and is good for someone who like to wind up and take big shots. The blade also feels great taking shots. It has an amazing blade feel and responsiveness to go along with the stick.The overall feel of the stick is awesome when taking the big shots.

Power Sense 2- creates a better balanced and lighter stick

Monocomp Construction- the stick is build in one piece helping with responsiveness

ELASTech- helps prevent micro fractures in the shaft

TeXtreme- carbon fibre 20% stronger and lighter then 12k carbon fibre

Overall the stick is perfect for any player who likes to take big shots. If you want a cheaper version based of the MX3 you can search for a Bauer Supreme 190, 180, 170, 160.

Thanks for reading! This blog wouldn't be possible without The Hockey Shop in Surrey, BC. So big thanks to them.
Check 'em out: thehockeyshop.com

Me with the stick


P19 Toews

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

CCM RBZ Superfast Review

Hi Beauties
Here is my review for the CCM RBZ Superfast
Video review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCb_Sh8QmDg

The blade of the Superfast is good for both shooting and passing. It gives you a good feel for the puck, and is also very stiff while shooting. The materials on the inside of the blade help you get more pop off your shot, resulting in a quicker shot. Something that we all love! The wight of the stick is something that I've never heard of before, but is extremely creative and useful. The stick is weighed in certain spots so that you can get the best swing possible while warming up for a slapshot, or even a snapper. It has got to be one of the most inovative ideas of the year when it comes to sticks, even though it isn't anything very high tech and it also won't have any disadvantages. I also think that the flex feels perfect. The Superfast features a kick-point that changes depending on the shot you take. It will help you get the most speed possible when taking a wrister or a clapper

Speed Pocket Technology- Has 50% more C.O.R. than the RBZ Stage 2 to help maximize puck speed without sacrificing any control or durability

Custom Kick Point- Provides a precise and customized kick-point to maximize loading. Kick-point will change depending on where your bottom hand is

Power Swing- Fine tuned weight and distribution provide a faster swing for more puck speed

Overall the Superfast was an amazing stick. It combined many thing players want, with everything players need. The technologies in this stick are crazy, and you'll love them. If your looking for a cheaper version there is the RBZ 150, 130 and 110. If you used a stick from the RBZ or RBZ Stage 2 line in the past, you'll like this one even better.

Thanks for reading! This blog wouldn't be possible without The Hockey Shop in Surrey, BC. So big thanks to them.
Check 'em out: thehockeyshop.com

 Me with the stick


 P19 Nugent-Hopkins

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Easton Synergy HTX Review

Hi Beauties
Here is my review for the Easton Synergy HTX
Video review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ddki3rikBs&list=UU64Fpkqq17Hpb4J1aj4xHcg

The blade on the HTX feels great while shooting. I'm not a toe shooter at all so I thought I would take no benefit from the Hypertoe blade. The most I use my toe in shots is when I'm pulling in the puck for a snapshot. I was surprised that I still like the blade because I thought it was only going to give an advantage to toe shooters. I noticed that even when I just let the puck slide off the toe on my wrist shots, it gave that a little boost. You can also notice Easton's Hypertune when your shooting. You can feel it in your shots, and it just gives the flex a great feel. It definitely helps your shots be in more of a fluid motion. Just the whole feel of the stick when Easton's "Load, Release, Velocity" system kicks in is amazing.

Hypertuned- The blade and shaft flex in unison making for a more responsive blade for every player

Dual Lie- The blade sits on the heel while catching passes, and moves to the toe while shooting. This will help load the blade for maximum release

Hypertoe- Positioning the puck on the toe forces you to load the blade and creates more velocity. The stiffened toe and softened taper create more force with the same load

Overall I loved the HTX. It shares alot of the same technologies as last years V-Series line, but the Hypertuned finishes it all off. I think its a big improvement over the V9 and V9E. There are also downgrades such as the Synergy 80, 60, 40 and 20.

Thanks for reading! This blog wouldn't be possible without the hockey shop in Surrey, BC. So big thanks to them.
Check 'em out: thehockeyshop.com

 Me with the stick

 Easton logo

 E28 curve

Sunday, September 14, 2014

CCM Tacks Review

Hi Beauties
Here is my review for the Tacks
Video review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OwME4m3WtKc

The first thing you notice about the CCM Tacks stick right when you pick it off the shelf is the grip. The grip is all over and there are dots along the edges for even more grip. It is almost impossible to lose a handle on the stick, making it great for big shots. You can also feel the blade right when you start shooting. It is nice and stiff for better accuracy. Sometimes if you lean on the blade to much, it will bend which decreases power and accuracy for any shot. The sticks flex points are also amazing for those big blasts.

Attack Frame Blade- Stiff blade for better accuracy

Mid Kick Point- Gives power and pop to all your shots

T Geometry- Improved control and accuracy

So overall the stick was pretty nice. It is made all for accuracy, from the blade to the geometry. The  mid kick point is best for player who like to take big shots. For those looking for a cheaper version, there is the Tacks 5052, 3052 and 1052.

Thanks for reading! This blog wouldn't be possible without The Hockey Shop in Surrey, BC. So big thanks to them.
Check 'em out: thehockeyshop.com

Me with the stick

Tacks logo

 Landeskog curve

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Bauer Nexus 8000 Review

Hi Beauties
Here is my review for the Bauer Nexus 8000
Video review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCttzRczjwo

The Nexus 8000 had great pop on it for any shot, but I loved it for my snappers. The pucks just have a release that makes it effortless to shoot. With the Nexus line being for control, you'd expect a good feel for the puck on the blade. That is definitely what you get with the 8000. You can feel the puck no problem, making stickhandling with your head up way easier. The flex point of the stick felt awesome on my opinion because I liked that a got got pop on snappers and slappers but still a nice quick release on wristers, Bauer advertises that the new Nexus line will give you better accuracy, which I didn't believe until I tried. I was using a Toews curve, one I've never used before. I said to my Dad that if I hit 3 crossbars in 3 shots, I would believe it. First shot-crossbar, second shot- crossbar and third shot- crossbar.

Nexus Tru-mid flex- For a quick, effortless release with natural power

eLASTech Technology- For more durability and longer pop life

teXtreme Technology- Carbon fiber that's 20% stronger and lighter than traditional 12k carbon fiber

Monocomp Technology- removing access material at the molding point for a more balanced stick

Pure Shot Blade Profile- Reduces twist on the blade for more accuracy

Overall the stick was really nice. It has a perfect flex point, amazing pop and good weight. If you are looking for down grades there is is the Nexus 7000, 6000, 4000 and 2000. I would recommend this stick to a person who wants good accuracy.

Thanks for reading! This blog wouldn't be possible without The Hockey Shop in Surrey, BC. So big thanks to them.
Check em' out: thehockeyshop.com

Nexus 8000

 Nexus logo

 Toews curve

 Me with the stick 

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Sher-wood Rekker EK15 Review

Hi Beauties
Here is my review for the Sher-wood Rekker EK15
Video review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9yjen8kf1w

The Rekker EK15 was an amazing stick. Sher-wood is being very underestimated because they have cheap sticks that are popular among starter players, giving Sher-wood the nickname of "duster gear". The new Rekker EK15 is nothing close to duster gear. Its the lightest stick on the market weighing in at 385 grams.You fill how light it is the minute you take it off the rack. Compared to most other top of the line sticks it is 40 grams lighter.  That weight doesn't sacrifice the durability of the stick. It is 100% handmade, which reduces flaws in the stick and making it less prone to premature breakage.The blade of the stick gives you great feel and good pop. It is definitely one of the best blades I've used. The Rekker also has a low kick point. Making it perfect for the finesse shooter.

Contoured feel- Double concave walls with rounded sides

Spear Construction- A true one piece stick. Improves puck feel

Ekore- Handmade stick helps flex point consistency and improves durability

12k carbon weave- Goes throughout the stick, making it durable and very light

Low Kick Point- For quick release shots and best for wristers and snappers

VRF.2 Blade- Vibration Reduction Foam core 2 helps with better feel,pop and accuracy for shooting, stick handling and catching or giving passes

Overall the Rekker EK15 is like a new birth to Sher-wood. It is a stick that can compare to other top of the line sticks from big brands. Theres still one more thing, the price. As other sticks are $270 to $300 for a senior, the EK15 is only $200. There is also the Rekker EK9 for $100 and the Rekker EK5 for $50. This line of sticks is best for a forward who takes quick release shots and instead of doing a big windup and blasting it through the goalie, likes to just snap of the puck and keep the goalie wondering when it left the stick. Its got a blacked out stealthy look, which is getting very popular. I love the looks of the twig.

Thanks for reading! This blog wouldn't be possible without The Hockey Shop in Surrey, BC. So big thanks to them.
Check em' out: thehockeyshop.com

 Me with the stick

 Stastny curve

 Rekker EK15
