Sunday, November 9, 2014

Easton Synergy HTX Review

Hi Beauties
Here is my review for the Easton Synergy HTX
Video review:

The blade on the HTX feels great while shooting. I'm not a toe shooter at all so I thought I would take no benefit from the Hypertoe blade. The most I use my toe in shots is when I'm pulling in the puck for a snapshot. I was surprised that I still like the blade because I thought it was only going to give an advantage to toe shooters. I noticed that even when I just let the puck slide off the toe on my wrist shots, it gave that a little boost. You can also notice Easton's Hypertune when your shooting. You can feel it in your shots, and it just gives the flex a great feel. It definitely helps your shots be in more of a fluid motion. Just the whole feel of the stick when Easton's "Load, Release, Velocity" system kicks in is amazing.

Hypertuned- The blade and shaft flex in unison making for a more responsive blade for every player

Dual Lie- The blade sits on the heel while catching passes, and moves to the toe while shooting. This will help load the blade for maximum release

Hypertoe- Positioning the puck on the toe forces you to load the blade and creates more velocity. The stiffened toe and softened taper create more force with the same load

Overall I loved the HTX. It shares alot of the same technologies as last years V-Series line, but the Hypertuned finishes it all off. I think its a big improvement over the V9 and V9E. There are also downgrades such as the Synergy 80, 60, 40 and 20.

Thanks for reading! This blog wouldn't be possible without the hockey shop in Surrey, BC. So big thanks to them.
Check 'em out:

 Me with the stick

 Easton logo

 E28 curve