Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Bauer Vapor APX2 Review

Hi Beauties
Here is the review for the Bauer Vapor APX2 stick.
Video intro: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uX_nDf6rCeE

The APX2 was crazy light, the lightest stick I ever used. Even though it was so light it didn't have that feeling like it was going to break like other really light sticks. It had a nice feel on the blade and was very responsive. The shaft also had a nice feel and flex. I liked the feel of the matte finish on the stick. I like the design on it too.

Specs: Aero-Sense Blade Core makes the blade lighter, more responsive and have a better feel for the puck.

The eLASTech shaft helps prevent mini fractures inside the shaft that happen with a slash or blocking a shot. The fracture grows bigger and bigger until the stick snaps.

Intelli-sense Shot Technology changes the flex points in the stick when your taking wristshots and slapshots. When you take slapshots it adds a second flex point in the stick.

TeXtreme Construction in the stick makes it durable and light.

Micro Feel II Shaft Dimension gives the stick rounded corners on the shaft for a better feel when holding the stick.

Overall the APX2 is an amazing stick. I loved it and would definitely recommend it. It is for a player who takes all types of shots. if you like Bauer sticks but don't like the Intelli-Sense then maybe you would prefer the Bauer Nexus 1000 stick. If you take more snapshots and slapshots then maybe you would prefer the Bauer Supreme Totalone NXG stick. All those sticks are $259. For cheaper prices there is the Bauer Vapor X100, X90, X80 and X70. All based on the APX2

This wouldn't have been possible without The Hockey Shop in Surrey, BC. I use they're sticks and shooting room for my blog. Check em out: http://www.thehockeyshop.com/

 Me with the stick

 Kane curve

Friday, December 27, 2013

Easton Velocity V9E Review

Hi beauties
Here is the review for the Easton V9E stick.
Video intro: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=he7bewIknlY

The V9E has a nice feel to it when your shooting, like most top of the line sticks. This one feels a bit better though, when you take your first shots. It is quite light, lighter then other sticks I have tried. The Hypertoe doesn't make a huge difference for me. I can barely feel it except a little bit on snapshots. It shoots so easily right off the rack.  Probably some of the nicest looks I've seen on a stick, I love the orange!

Specs: Tuned Flex Profile makes the kickpoint of the stick lower which loads more energy into the taper.

Hypertoe helps you get more velocity and pop on your shots of the toe, however it decreases velocity and pop on the heel.

Segmented Blade Core With Airex Foam helps improve response and feel of the puck on the blade.

Overall the Easton V9E is a nice stick. I'd recommend it to people who like to take wristshots and snapshots, but I'd recommend the V9 to people who take slapshots and snapshots. Both sticks are $259.

Thanks again to The Hockey Shop for letting me use the sticks and shooting room. You made this blog possible. Check em out: http://www.thehockeyshop.com/

 Me with the stick

 E3 curve

Monday, December 23, 2013

CCM RBZ Stage 2 Review

Hi beauties
Here is the review for the CCM RBZ Stage 2 stick.

The stick had a nice feel to it when it was shooting. The only problem when shooting was you didn't get much feel for the puck. It didn't feel like something you would find in a high end stick. The grip was very nice. Really sticky but not super sticky. Also available in clear too, for those who don't like the grip. It has a extremely smooth matte finish on the blade. It is durable and the adhesive on hockey tape sticks to it better than a rough or gloss finished blade. The looks on the stick are really nice. My team jerseys are red, white and black so the stick would look pretty good with it, even though looks are not the main concern when buying a stick (unless your 7 years old) but it usually is a bonus!!
The blade is a SpeedBlade 2 with Freak Channels. Since the stick is not mine I couldn't try slapshots or snapshots, only wristshots. You don't feel that big of a difference with wristers but maybe if you took some harder shots you would feel a difference.

It has a Power Swing Technology which helps the feel when swinging the stick back and forth. I noticed that while shooting! It makes a more balanced feel while shooting.

The Custom Kick Point makes the kick point change when your shooting. It is almost like the Intelli-Sense Shot Technology on the Bauer Vapor APX and APX2 line. It makes the flex points change on wristshots, snapshots and slapshots. 

Overall the CCM RBZ Stage 2 was nice but nothing special. There are some cool things in them that you notice but don't make a HUGE difference. I would still recommend it though. The stick is $259.

Big thanks to The Hockey Shop in Surrey, BC. If you didn't let me use you sticks and shooting room this blog would not be possible. Check them out: www.thehockeyshop.com

 Me with the stick

 Hossa curve

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Warrior Dt1 LT Stick Review

Hi beauties
Here is the review for the Warrior Dt1 LT stick.
Video Intro at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3piX17QtOI&feature=youtu.be
I had the Yakapov curve, which is a crazy curve. It is like an Ovechkin curve. It doesn't even look legal. The curve can defiantly help you get pucks higher off the ice. When your  shooting with the Warrior it has a great feel. Its light and responsive. No doubt that it would feel great on the ice for anyone. The blade is really responsive and feels great while shooting. The Dt1 LT has some nice looks too!
Overall I loved the stick. It is $269 at The Hockey Shop in Surrey, BC. If you don't want to pay that much there is the Dt2 LT, Dt3 LT, Dt4 LT and DT5 LT which are all cheaper than the Dt1 LT but not quite as good.
 Me holding the stick

 Yakapov curve

Sunday, December 15, 2013


Hi Beauties
My name is Nick and I am going to be posting reviews for all the top of the line twigs from Bauer to Sher-wood. The reviews will have pictures, text and videos from a youtube channel that I`m making. I will start posting reviews the second I can get my gloves on the sticks. Keep checking the website everytime a new twig is released.